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Is it the King of Steaks? We'll let you decide.


You can't go wrong with this combination of robust flavor and tenderness. We leave the bone in for added flavor, plus it looks cool and provides a great handle for gnawing. 


This is our Grain Finished American Wagyu variety, the latest of which has outstanding marbling. We visually estimate it to rank as a BMS 7-8 on the Japanese marbling scale (based on Ribeyes), which is beyond what the USDA scale even measures! This is beyond the Prime marbling that you will find at even the most premium steakhouses, where you would be paying upwards of $120 for a comparable Ribeye steak. Less than 1% of the beef raised in the US has this level of marbling.


Our Wagyu Ribeyes are dry aged for a minimum of two weeks and then cut 1" inch thick to match the Japanese style of thinner steaks and shorter cook times. The Ribeye is made up of three distinct muscles, each with their own texture. 


All steaks are vacuum sealed before being flash frozen for optimal freshness. 

Bone In Ribeye Steak - American Wagyu (Grain)


    For info on some of the breeds we offer,

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