Sometimes you have something go so well that it ends up as a new variety on its own. That’s exactly what happened with our Premium Angus Grain.

Our Premium Angus Grain is the top level of Angus beef you’ll find anywhere. Here’s why it’s different:
Most Angus beef that you find in the grocery store is USDA Choice. It has passed a certain threshold for marbling, tenderness, and color. The main factor, however, is marbling. That is the level of intramuscular fat in the muscle, and it’s the most visually obvious sign of good beef. You can’t look at a piece of beef and see tenderness, and color isn’t a great indicator of quality.
It’s not very hard to produce beef at a Choice level. In fact, about 74% of beef produced in America is graded as Choice. Now there’s nothing at all wrong with Choice beef. On the contrary, most of it is very good. We grow it ourselves. That doesn’t mean it’s the best.
The level of beef above Choice is called Prime. It has superior marbling and is the highest grade in the USDA system. Only about 2% of beef produced in America is labeled as Prime, and chances are good that you’re not going to find it. That’s because almost all of the Prime beef in America is sold to hotels and high end steakhouses (think $100 Ribeyes). It’s very rare to find it in the grocery store.
Beyond calling a steak Prime, you can visually split the marbling into Low, Mid, or High Choice. We couldn’t find any official stats, but based off of a lifetime of beef knowledge, very little beef is actually Mid or High Prime. It would likely be far less than 1% of all beef produced in America. Even the stuff sold at the best steakhouses in the world is rarely Mid or High Prime. It’s usually Low Prime. In other words, good luck finding it. Unless, that is, you shop at Hi Brau.
Our Premium Angus Grain is just that. It is typically comparable to the marbling in a Mid to High Prime steak. It will probably surprise you when you first lay eyes on it because it is so well marbled. Now according to our Craftmaster Ben, marbling is not the end all, be all of steak quality, but it is a factor. For those that seek out the best marbling, these cuts will be very hard to beat. We would put them next to the finest steakhouse steaks in the world with confidence.
The reason that we can achieve this is that we have the knowledge, experience, extra feeding time, age, and genetic merit to make it happen. It takes a lot of things coming together to produce a steak like this. It also requires investment in the right feed and the willingness to harvest later than the industrial system.
These cuts are from our Angus herd, but we don’t know what they’ll be until we actually see them from the butcher. Every single Premium cut is individually inspected by our Craftmaster before earning the Premium label. Anything that doesn’t make the cut is labeled as our On Tap Angus Grain variety, and is still likely to match a Low Prime or High Choice steak. In other words, our “regular” cuts match expensive steak houses. Our Premium cuts exceed them.
Look for the “Gent Cow” with the golden jewelry on the label to know that you have our Premium Hi Brau grade.